Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Check out our frequently asked questions to learn more about our shipping services, discounts, and more.


  • UrShipper allows you to check shipping rates and book international shipments from Bali online. Once a booking is made, a shipment label will be generated. Simply print it out, attach it to your parcel, and drop it off at an UrShipper Office.

    Learn step-by-step instructions on how to ship a package internationally with UrShipper.

  • Yes, you can track your shipment online at any time through a tracking link or through our cloud-based shipping software.

  • Yes. UrShipper includes cover for loss and damage on all eligible packages up to 100% of the declared value of the item that you placed on the shipment booking, as well as up to 100% of the shipping cost in the unlikely event of a lost or damaged shipment.

    Learn more about our Terms & Conditions and Liability.

  • On average, shipments will be delivered within 3-7 business days worldwide, depending on the destination country.

  • No, UrShipper only offers export shipments from Bali to overseas. We do not offer import shipments (from overseas to Bali) or domestic shipments (within Indonesia).

  • No, a business license is not required to use our service. Anyone, whether a private individual or a registered company (such as PT or CV) can ship with us.

  • The maximum weight limit for packages shipped with UrShipper is 68 kg per package.

    The maximum size limit for packages is 300 cm in length, 200 cm in width, or 175 cm in height, and a “Length + Girth Combined” (Length + 2 x Width + 2 x Height) of 330 cm.


  • You can get an instant quote for a specific shipment by using our handy Rate Calculator.

    Alternatively, you can get a quote from your Shipping Dashboard by adding the shipment details and package weight & dimensions. If you don't have an account yet, it takes just 60 seconds to sign up for free!

  • Accurate measurements are crucial for an accurate price quote. If you need to estimate, be as precise as possible to avoid unexpected price differences. All packages will be re-measured and reweighed upon arrival at our facility, and final charges will be adjusted accordingly

  • We charge by whichever is greater between the Actual Weight or the Volumetric Weight of the package.

  • Volumetric weight, also known as dimensional weight, is a method of calculating the weight of a package based on its volume, or the amount of space it occupies. It is used by commercial freight transport companies (including courier and postal services) to determine the cost of shipping a package. If a package is large but lightweight, it may have a high volumetric weight and therefore cost more to ship than a smaller and denser package with the same actual weight. To calculate the volumetric weight of a package, you can use the formula:

    Volumetric weight (kg) = Length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm) / 5000

    For example, if a package has dimensions of 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm, its volumetric weight would be 25 kg. This means that even if the package weighs less than 25 kg, the shipping fee will be charged as if it weighed 25 kg, because it takes up 25 kg worth of space in their transportation vehicle.

    Please keep in mind, always be sure to measure by the longest point of each side and round up to the next whole number. If your box bents or bulges out due to the contents, be sure to include how far the bents or bulges out in your measurements. And if you are shipping an irregular-shaped package, you will need to identify the cubic shape (90° by each side) that your package will fully fit into (imagine if that irregular-shaped package is a ball, what is the size of a regular box that the ball will be fit into).

  • Once your package arrived at UrShipper Office, we will reconfirm the actual weight & dimensions of your package, and we will soon send an invoice to your email.

    You can pay via Bank Transfer or Wise to the bank details provided in the invoice. Please note that Credit/Debit Card payment is only available at UrShipper Office and all payments must be made in IDR currency only.

  • No, we focus exclusively on providing fast and reliable express shipping solutions. So we do not offer any cheaper or slower shipment options such as regular postal service or sea freight.

    However, we occasionally offer special promotions and discounts, so be sure to subscribe to our eNews to stay up-to-date on the latest deals. At UrShipper, we believe in delivering value without compromising on quality.

  • Yes! Not only does UrShipper already offer pre-negotiated discounts on rates which up to 70% cheaper than DHL, FedEx, or UPS retail rates, if you ship 20+ packages per month, you can apply for even deeper discounts through UrShipper Discount Program


  • To ship a package, simply create an account and book your shipment online. Once you’ve booked a shipment, you will be able to print a unique label. Attach this to your package, or if you don’t have a printer, simply write down the tracking number on your package with a marker. Then you can drop off your package at UrShipper Office during business hours or simply send the package by Gojek, Grab; or any other local courier. It's that easy!

    For more information, check out our step-by-step guide.

  • UrShipper is designed to make shipping a breeze. However, there are some items you can't ship with UrShipper, such as dangerous goods, items containing batteries, medicines, foodstuffs, or a single package that’s longer than 300 cm or heavier than 68 kg.

    View a detailed list of items that can’t be shipped here.

  • No. All shipments must be already packed and booked by the Sender prior to handover to UrShipper.

    If you are shipping small items like fashion products, you can request free poly-mailer supplies from UrShipper. Feel free to contact us for the poly-mailer supplies.

  • Yes, but we don’t recommend this. An additional cost of 150,000 IDR per 10 kilometers applies for a requested pickup. So it’s best to just send the package to our office by Gojek or Grab.

  • You can drop it off at UrShipper Office:
    Jl. Gn. Tangkuban Perahu No. 303, Denpasar, Bali 80117
    Check our business hours here.

  • If a shipment has been dispatched from UrShipper facility, a change of delivery address or cancelation is an exceptional service, and we cannot make any assurances in its execution.

    If the change of address is doable (the shipment is rerouted to the revised address), you will have to reimburse UrShipper for any arising fees related to the rerouting.

    If the cancelation of a shipment is doable (the shipment is successfully returned to UrShipper facility), a 150,000 IDR cancelation fee will be deducted from your refund.

  • No, unfortunately, we don’t.

  • Here is the list of the countries/territories not served by UrShipper:

    Belarus - BY (Temporarily Suspended)

    Central African Republic - CF



    Equatorial Guinea - GQ

    Falkland Islands

    Guinea Bissau - GW

    Iran - IR

    Johnston Island


    Korea, North (North Korea)

    Mayotte Island

    Myanmar (Burma) - MM



    Saint Pierre Et Miquelon

    Sao Tome & Principe

    Sierra Leone - SL

    Solomon Islands

    Somalia - SO

    St. Helena (S. Atlantic)

    Sudan - SD

    Syria - SY

    Russia - RU


    Tokelau Islands

    Turkmenistan, Republic Of - TM


    Wake Islands

    Yemen, The Republic of - YE

Duty & Tax

  • Every package that is shipped internationally will need to pass customs clearance processes. Customs, the government authority or agency responsible for administering international trade laws, inspects and regulates every shipment to make sure the contents comply with the importing country or territory’s regulations.

    There may be import duties/taxes applied to an international shipment, depending on the laws of the destination country, and the country's "de minimis value".

    De minimis value is the maximum value of a shipment that can be imported into a country without having to pay duties/taxes. The de minimis value is also known as the "duty-free threshold" or the "low-value threshold." And the de minimis value can vary widely from country to country.

    For example, the de minimis value for the United States is currently 800 USD, the de minimis value for Australia is currently 1,000 AUD, and the de minimis value for Canada is currently 20 CAD. If the value of your shipment is below the de minimis value of the destination country, there will be no duties/taxes applies to the shipment.

    In the European Union, the de minimis value is separated between the VAT and the Import Duty. As of 1st July 2021, the VAT de minimis value of (previously) 22 EUR has been removed, so the current VAT de minimis value for the EU is currently 0 EUR. That means all commercial goods (at any value) imported into the EU from non-EU countries will be subject to VAT. And all shipments valued over 150 EUR will be subject to both VAT and Import Duty.

  • It’s the responsibility of the Receiver of the shipment to pay any applicable import duties/taxes.

    For best practices, it’s a good idea to have communicated priorly to the Receiver (or have it written on your shipping policy for your customers): to be aware of the import regulations of the country where they will be receiving the shipment, as well as with any applicable duties/taxes that may apply. You may also advise the Receiver to contact the local customs authority for more information on the specific duties/taxes that may be applicable to their shipment.

  • No, all shipments with UrShipper are using DDU incoterm (Import Duty & Tax paid by Receiver). We do not support shipments using DDP incoterm (Import Duty & Tax paid by Sender), nor Third Party Billing.

  • If the Receiver refuses to pay the customs duties/taxes, the shipment will be considered “Undeliverable”. UrShipper may contact you (the Sender) for the resolution to avoid the shipment being returned to the Sender’s origin. The very first option that might be possible and will cost less than others:

    • Abandon the shipment.
      Be informed that the regulation on this may vary from country to country. Some countries allow to abandon or dispose of an Undeliverable Shipment, and some others are not. Some countries are not charging any fee for abandonment or disposal, but some countries charge fees for abandonment or disposal. In case of this, you (the Sender) will have to reimburse UrShipper for the related fees.

    If the customs authority at the destination country does not allow for abandonment or disposal, we’d suggest you take over payment of the duties/taxes that are owed on the shipment.

    • You (the Sender) pay for the owed duties/taxes.
      UrShipper will pass the outstanding duties/taxes to you and will arrange to pay the customs duties/taxes on the Sender (and on the Receiver's behalf), so the shipment can continue to the delivery process soon after the owed duties/taxes are paid.

    Be noticed that the customs authority at the destination country usually will give only a 5 working days deadline for the Sender’s confirmation related to an Undeliverable Shipment. If you failed to give a confirmation within the deadline, the shipment will be automatically returned back to the Sender at the Sender’s cost:

    • Returned to Sender’s origin.
      This is the most unwanted thing to happen to an international shipment because not only that you will have to pay the return shipping charges (which are mostly much more expensive compared to the original shipment rate), but you will also need to pay the import duties/taxes of its reimportation back into Indonesian customs territory (which is notoriously expensive) and other customs clearance related fees. Be informed that the de minimis value for Indonesia is currently 3 USD.

    *Reading the detailed information about Undeliverable Shipments in UrShipper Terms & Conditions is strongly advised.

  • It is important to note that UrShipper is a shipping platform for businesses, which means all packages are treated as commercial shipments.

    However, whether a shipment is a gift or not, it must still go through an import procedure as determined by customs laws in the destination country.

    It is best to check with the customs department of the destination country for specific regulations on shipping gifts, along with the import duty/tax that may apply, as well as if any necessary documentation is needed.


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